Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Chris and I went back to Birmingham last week to do more weddingy stuff, like deciding all the readings and declarations we'd like to use in our ceremony. We have to do let the registry office know ten weeks before the wedding so they can make sure we're not trying to sneakily slip some mention of god or religious music into our civil ceremony (... is it only ten weeks now? ... yikes!) We borrowed a book of suggested readings, most of which were horrifically soppy or just plain ridiculous. My vote for the most ridiculous poem of all contained the following lines 'Does love look like a pair of pyjamas or the ham in a temperance hotel? Does its odour remind one of llamas or has it a comforting smell?' ... Huh? ... Coming a close second was the poem that began 'All choices are the wrong choices' - I'd love to know if anyone's ever chosen that for their wedding, and what the audience reaction was.

I am getting lots of training in being decisive - I've never had to make so many decisions in my life. At our meeting with the photographer we had to choose the size of our wedding album, the colour, silver or gold for the writing on the inside page, whether we want it standard or custom-designed, do we want the photos formal or casual, black and white or colour, matt or glossy ... I get dizzy thinking about it all again.