Sunday, March 16, 2008

like mother like daughter

My mum often goes shopping at the supermarket at the weekend. She carefully makes a list of everything she wants to buy, going through the cupboards to see what we've run out of, and asking everyone around if there's anything they want. She then forgets to take the list, and ends up buying whatever random stuff she happens to see on the shelves. She does this every weekend. But here's the scary part - I did exactly the same thing last weekend! So this is what I have to look forward to. A lifetime of forgotten shopping lists. Speaking of supermarkets, why is it always the most embarrassing item in your basket that the check-out guy can't scan properly?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA!! So true!!!! And I have to say I admire your effort to make a list in the first place... I can't even do that... if I do though, I WOULD forget it!

4:54 AM  

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