Saturday, July 14, 2007


This little guy has decided to set up home outside my kitchen window. I've started to grow rather fond of him, he's the closest thing I have to a pet. Recently I saw him catch a daddy-long-legs in his web - it's wings were frantically buzzing up and down. But my little spider had no mercy, he sped down his web and curled it up into a tiny ball to savour later. It was fascinating to watch. Unfortunately I am an extreme arachnophobe, so the minute he steps foot in my flat I will have to either suck him up with a hoover, or maybe just scream until someone comes to my rescue and squashes the blighter. But for the time being I've learnt to put up with his little quirks. As he has learnt to put up with mine - every time I open my window his web vibrates up and down. After a few mishaps, including once when he was catapulted off his web, I've noticed he has learnt to brace himself whenever he hears me moving the window. So here we are, living in a happy state of symbiosis, with just a touch of mutual suspicion. My spider and me!


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